Hello world! *waves* I do appologise for having been slack lately - I have exams coming up, and I think the rest speaks for itself... I've had minimal time online (and even less to play Generals, sadly).
Either way, I've got a whole bundle of news for you today:
- received an updated version of the BigPOP Generals Data Editor.
- as usual, they have a truck-load of new maps coming out. If you aren't already going here every day, I recommend you start doing so.
- they also have twelve new game replays.
CNC Matrix:
- three new maps.
CNC Series:
- looking for new staff members: mappers, skinners, artists and news updaters.
- four new exciting maps.
CNC Source:
- nine screenshots from their Tiberian Ascension mod.
a short interview has been held with Bryan from Nova.
- half a dozen stunning screenshots from their upcoming mod
- announced that they're going to change the name of their mod from "World War Three" to something with a bit more punch.
And that's about all in the major news for the last few days. As usual, don't forget to go looking for yourself if you don't want to miss anything ;)
Last edited by Manatee 05x on Friday, May 23, 2003 at 7:49:36 AM.