I'm very happy to be able to finally write this newspost. While the All Stars team had a great time playing All Stars internally for quite a while now--with many of the units and ideas we're bringing back also coming back in C&C 3 news, it almost feels like we're playing that game, too--it's time you guys, who have waited (mostly) patiently for too long got to see a bit of the actual gameplay. While we're not prepared to show you guys any of the Conyard build system just yet--next video maybe--you can see many units, superweapons, and buildings in action in our new video.
The trailer mostly features the Red Alert Alliance, an army made of units from all the Red Alert games. In this trailer, you can specifically see Conscripts, Grenadiers, Grizzlies, the Grizzly Chronoshift Generals Power, Apocalypse Tanks, Tesla Tanks, Longbows, Nukes, and more, including many Tiberian Coalition units (often on the receiving end of some heavy Red Alert Alliance punishment). I think it will give you a nice taste of the mod, and our future videos will show you even more. As always, feel free to discuss the mod in our forums, where I've created a special thread for discussion of the video. Feel free to ask questions about the mod in your own threads, though some of the details may still be too much under wraps for us to give a full answer. ;)
We've got three different ways for you to view it. First, we have a High Quality Quicktime download for you, weighing in at 55MB. Second, we have a much lower quality Quicktime download for the 56kers, coming in at 6MB. For those of you who would prefer to stream it or don't like Quicktime, we have a medium quality streaming version through a Flash viewer. All in all, the video is about two minutes in length.
Last edited by Blbpaws on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 at 8:35:30 PM.