-- Pathfinder for Fai can't be trained. The command button to build him is there, but he still needs the General's Ability to actually train him.
-- Chem Suits upgrade for Fai crashes game.
-- The weapon for the Super Ranger comes out of his feet and not his gun. This actually affects the game because the missiles often hits the ground on hilly maps.
-- Super Ranger uses the same description as the regular Ranger, "Strong vs Infantry, weak vs Vehicles" etc.
-- Both the ICBM and Cruise Missile's model magically change back to Nuclear Missile models in night time and snow conditions.
-- The Nuke for Alexander
STILL doesn't fire an actual Nuke.
No offense, but it looks like this was updated as quickly as you could and without any testing, aside from General Specific Command Centers (that part was actually pretty cool).
Originally Posted by: KlingonDragon 
Should I make gla stuctures more expensive to stop them spamming you with tunnell networks and loads of vehicles
Edited by user Thursday, June 26, 2014 6:55:37 PM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified