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highly detailed 2v2 map that can be played in many ways, lots of buildings to garrison and a dry dock in the center.
File Size: 833.5 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: ReptiliaX   

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Symmetric 2v2 or 4 player FFA multiplayer or skirmish map for C&C Red Alert 3.

The prominent features of the map are:
-Two craters on the top right and bottom left: these are mining sites that used to be mountains.
-Two mountains on the top left and bottom right.
-A central hill with small towns and an academy at the center.

{Note:} shipyards are locked as there are no water bodies in the map.

Every player has access to 3 oil derricks that are easily capturable. All ore nodes have the stock values so holding onto the derricks can make or break a match. While craters can be better defended and have more space for buildings, it is harder to expand your economy. Also, due to the size and complexity of the map, some pathing issues may arise. I recommend playing from one of the mountainous starting locations.

There are two EASTER EGGS to find on the map... can you find them? (Hint: EA :Đ)

See the readme for changelog.

HAVE FUN! -Ádám form Hungary
File Size: 614.8 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: MoltenEQ   

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Tagged as: Detailed
This is my very fist map so you might be find intresting things on it with different grounds.3 ore nods at start. this map is perfect for a big long battles!
File Size: 1.2 MB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: SharinganFox   

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This map is designed for 6 players in a 2v2v2 set up. The set up should include a North-West team, a North-East team and a Southern team. The map was not created as a symmetrical map, and as such there are variations to the start choices affecting defensibility, access to team-mates and expansion routes.

The water players are under constant pressure and will require quick thinking to survive, whilst the land players will need to balance aiding their team-mates and pressuring the other land players to prevent them accruing a critical mass of high-tech units.

Each player has one logical expansion, with 3 other contested expansions occupying the outskirts of the map, surveillance and repair tech structures also occupy contested territories in the map.

File Size: 524.8 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 6
Author: Marc Shallbrook   

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Uhud Battlefield is a map which has been designed as a 3v3 Ground war, but much fun can be had by playing various combinations, or against the AI. Each player will start the game with 2 main Ore Nodes with plenty of choice for expansion to the many isolated extra nodes positioned around the map. All the major areas on the map have expansion support.
Key areas of capture will be the Observation Stations in the Civilian region, at the centre of the map and the local Lookout stations, near the player starting positions. There are many choke points created by the hills and irregular terrain.
There is very little water in this map, so you will need to build and prepare your army for a land battle as Naval Yard production is disabled.
File Size: 1.4 MB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 6
Author: Azapci   

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A normal 6 player skirkmish map. The limited water area means that you cannot build a naval force - however, the urban landscape provides a large advantage to players who use infantry.
File Size: 460.6 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 6
Author: Tiberian Fiend   

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This map design is based on Drummin's AOD map Dark Fortress for Generals ZH although I have changed the setting quite a lot. The fortress has been built in the area of an old and extinct volcanic eruption, which happened to appear above the surface of the sea.

The action scenario is set at night.

The Keep, in the centre of the map, is occupied by 2 co-operative players, whose task is to defend the position as best they can. Although the Keep looks a little cramped, there is ample building space on there to maintain a decent defence. Basic power requirements and static defences are granted to the 2 defending players at the beginning of the game, but you will need to maintain and defend those power installations, otherwise your defences are down and you are open to attack. In addition to Ore Nodes on the centre, there are Oil Derricks to supplement funding.

The outer fortress has a symmetry and is occupied by the other 4 players, who have to destroy the central installation by working together as a team. Each outer position also has basic power requirements granted and some strategic defences, but the only income is from Ore Nodes only. The outer positions are built with a Naval Yard, situated in the specially protected areas next to the base.

Superweapons are disabled, so you will need skill and strategy to create your forces and plan your attacks, whichever position or faction you choose.
File Size: 522.4 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 6
Author: Gren   

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This one is my 4th map and it was originally designed for Mission-like scripted gameplay but due to hard modding issues, I'm releasing this one with scripts-free Skirmish Gameplay.
This map was also a participant of Command & Conquer Map Competition.
About Gameplay: This one is about pure team play. Two land masses represent each team and are separated by river. Small island town located in the centre of the map, it has a Veteran Academy and expansions and the two land masses are connected by bridges. There are also remote ocean islands with Expansions and Oil Derricks to diverse and protract the gameplay. There are even more terrain features I implemented, which you may find during match play.
Both team mates start close to each other: one on the cliff with no direct base entrance and 2 Ore Nodes and the other one - down the valley with head entrance including a beach. So basically this player will have his hands full defending, but he has 3 Ore Nodes available instantly with no expansion needed. Be aware though, that this player has no nearby expansions. (after all, having 3 Refineries is a decent handicap)
IMPORTANT: Due to the specifications of this map it is strongly advised that it should not be played as 4 players FFA. (no teams)
File Size: 656.8 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: Acid_Cr@sh   

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This is a 4-player map set in an urban setting. This map is a remake of Yuri's Revenge map Siege of Sarajevo. (it's also remake of Kane's Wrath map Sarajevo Battlegrounds) A river runs through the city and separating the map on two parts (north, south). There is plenty of ore nodes, oil derricks and other tech buildings. Enjoy the map!
File Size: 530.8 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: mirza044   

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This is a mission map, you will play as the Empire of the Rising Sun against the Allies. It is a Co-op mission map, which is heavily reliant on teamwork. Without teamwork, you won't make it to the end. Be smart and lead the Empire to victory!
Story: The Empire is losing territory, the allies are coming really close to winning this war! This may never happen! Take your commando, for a stealth attack in enemy territory. Plan an attack on the most heavily defended Allied prison, rescue the prisoners and destroy the enemy.
Make one mistake...... And you will be dead!
This map has real objectives and there are a lot of cinematics in it. It has 3 different difficulties: Easy, Normal and Hard. Easy is really easy, even beginners can get to the end! With Normal setting, you will need to use teamwork, it is not too hard, but not too easy either. If you can beat the map set on the Hard level, all I can say is that you are the expert.
So there is a game setting to suit all levels of players.
File Size: 706.2 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 3
Author: ThaSlayerb   

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