C&C Labs News Wire

— Thursday, April 28, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 3:35:28 PM ET

Mod Updates around the Community

There are a number of mod updates around the community today. At Blitzkrieg 2: The Finest Hour they have a wealth of new screens to show. Below is the M16 anti-aircraft halftrack. You can find more screenshots at their site.
Vietnam Reborn has some new renders, including the one seen here of the NVA T34 Tank.
And last but not least, Battletech: The Cappellan Solution has a large render, seen below, of the Patton tank.
Last edited by Mike on Friday, April 29, 2005 at 6:30:52 PM.

— Wednesday, April 27, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 6:02:54 PM ET

Community Headlines

  • CNC Shockwave, a mod at CNCRenEclips has released two new renders, one of the redone toxin tractor and one of a redone SCUD Launcher.
  • CNC Files has some new Tiberian Sun and RA2 maps.
  • CNC World has some new Zero Hour maps.
  • CNC DEN has a new Generals map called Enough Dead Heroes.
Last edited by Mike on Thursday, April 28, 2005 at 8:12:55 AM.

— Monday, April 25, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 6:05:20 PM ET

Roundup from the last two days

— Saturday, April 23, 2005 —

Posted By: aConcernedCitizen17 at 11:25:32 PM ET

All-Stars Release #1

Well we promised you all an update to All-Stars and here it is. For our first release, we've got two screens for you all. The Reds Battle Lab, and the Reds Flame Tower. Both are on our screenshots page, and are even available on our ModDB profile. Feel free to check either place, as any updates here will also be made there. Keep checking back as we continue to release stuff in the upcoming weeks.

Last edited by Mike on Sunday, May 8, 2005 at 8:01:11 PM.

— Saturday, April 23, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 4:55:12 PM ET

New Poll, Poll Results, and Community Roundup

I finally updated the poll. Here are the results from last week. Let me mention that I'm very glad that 185 of you voted. Even though the poll was up a few extra days, that's significantly more than usually vote. Oh, and for those keeping score at home, my favorite CNC game is RA2, but I certainly like all of them.

In retrospect, what is your all time favorite CnC game?
Generals/Zero Hour
RA2/Yuri's Revenge
Tiberian Sun
Red Alert 1
C&C (Tiberian Dawn)
I've only played Generals

Total Votes: 185

Roundup time:
  • Renegade: A New Hope has released a model of the Imperial Electrobinoculars.
  • CNC Reborn has 4 new models from this week, as well as a new team member, DarkAngel.
  • Battletech: The Capellan Solution has a whole host of screens showcasing the mechs in their mod.
  • Planet CNC has opened their CNC 3 and Red Alert 3 sections. I'm surprised at the CNC 3 one, as that game was never annouced or confirmed. They also have a new fan art drawing by Enomosiki showing the AH-64D Longbow.
  • Imperial Assault has version .71 of their Alpha.
  • Aircraftkiller has made a Nod-themed desktop background. Get it here.
  • CNC World has some new Gen and ZH maps.
  • CNC DEN has a new poll, two new maps, as well as a new ZH mission, Operation: Irene II.
  • An Act of War has released a render of the USA MRLS. Mod leader PCTeen1 has also changed his nickname to EvilViking.
Whew, that was long!
Last edited by Blbpaws on Saturday, April 23, 2005 at 8:57:49 PM.

— Thursday, April 21, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 6:10:12 PM ET

New Renders at Regeneration

Red Alert: Regeneration has two new renders, one of the Soviet Service Depot and one of the Allied Radar Dome.

— Thursday, April 21, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 6:58:55 AM ET

Updates at PCNC

PlanetCNC has six new Renegade files, all new skins. Next up, HeXetic promises some Generals and ZH maps.

PlanetCNC also has an interview by Site Director Dario with Phoib, from Derelict Studios. Here's a snip:
What is it like to be part of a modding community as big as Derelict Studios?

Great! A year ago, we could count the modellers and texture artists on one hand! Now I have trouble keeping track of everything and everyone! Derelict Studios has grown enormously in the past year, sometimes too fast. We now have the limit for the number of projects we can work on, and plan to finish mods first, get Call to Arms, Iron Curtain and True War 2 out of the door and done. Then, we can focus on the other projects. Other tasks include trying to get Blitzkrieg 2 fully polished and completed, including maybe Naval and Japan. Getting Halogen done (and mark my words, Halogen will grow bigger then any other Generals mod out there!). Polishing An Act of War up so shiny it will hurt your eyes. Getting Imperial Assault bought by Petroglyph as EAW expansion. Making everyone who thought Blitzkrieg 2 was the best ever WW2 RTS mod change their mind when they first play Blitzkrieg 3. With the people we currently have, it's possible. And it's great to be a part of that.
It's a well done interview, and you can read it here.

EDIT: Planet CNC also has a new version of their mailbag.
Last edited by Blbpaws on Thursday, April 21, 2005 at 10:05:53 PM.

— Wednesday, April 20, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 3:38:31 PM ET

Second Roundup for Today

Since the news continues to pour in, I feel obligated to do a second roundup: That's all for the second roundup!

— Wednesday, April 20, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 2:28:23 PM ET

Community Modding Roundup

  • Star-Wars-to-Renegade mod Renegade: A new Hope has 5 new screens showing their Imperial Barracks.
  • Battletech: The Capellan Solution has released some in-game pics of the League's MR-5M Cerberus assault mech.
  • Blitzkrieg 2: The Finest Hour has released 10 screens over the battle for Eastern Europe, as well as an essay by Biohazard on American tank and tank-destroyer design in WWII.
  • C&C World Rebellion has a screen of the RAC Hitfist tank.
  • Renegade legend Crimson is hosting a WOL-based server for the popular Renegade Mod Renegade Alert.
  • Restore Justice has finished their timeline on the mod's story. Also, Sarge6754 has finished a complete reskinning of the Generals terrain files.
  • True War 2 has released some screens of the famous T-90 tank.
  • Only War is available for download, or will be shortly, as it is being reuploaded after problems with the installer. The new version will not have an installer, and will be about 100MB.
  • Noticeably absent from this roundup (and the news) for quite a while has been our resident mod CNC: All-Stars. While I sadly don't have anything to show now, I can affirm that we are making very good progress, and that we will have something to show soon enough. ;)
Last edited by Blbpaws on Wednesday, April 20, 2005 at 6:29:30 PM.

— Wednesday, April 20, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 4:16:35 AM ET

New Command and Comedy at PCNC

HeXetic, who seems to be doing just about everything at Planet CNC, has updated their Command and Comedy feature with a new story: CNC Shack Relaunches. Here's a snip:
hey all, yeah, we're super glad to be comin' back and all, but u know, there's more to runnin' tha BEST CNC SITE EVAR than just having a single re-launch; even though we've brought on new talent like CptJohnny and KillianThaKometKatcher (KTKK) and have a pile of stuff planned for the launch like another great CoolCammZ09 article and sponsoring a special old-skool style TS tourney, we know it's not enough.

so here's the scoop, y'all. after re-launchinininatin' to da MAX next week, we're gonna close up and re-launch again next month, and the next month after, and the next month, and the one after dat.
Those who like that sort of thing will find it the sort of thing they like....
Last edited by Blbpaws on Wednesday, April 20, 2005 at 8:17:15 AM.

— Tuesday, April 19, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 4:01:30 AM ET

OMC Begins!

The Open Map Competition is beginning!
Open Map Competition Organization is pleased to announce the opening of the Open Map Competition today. The OMC is a world-wide mapping contest for Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2, and Generals and is being organized by prominent C&C sites. The OMC will serve to foster new mapping talent and to recognize and reward the community's best mappers.

The Open Map Competition judges will be accepting maps for 3 games: Tiberian Sun with Firestorm, Red Alert 2 with Yuri's Revenge, and Generals with Zero Hour. We will also be accepting Yuri's Revenge maps that use the Terrain Expansion 3rd-party graphical enhancement package. The OMC will run for three months, with a maximum of one entry per mapper per game.

Top maps in each game category will be published and publicized across the community and will be in the running to earn prizes including software. Note that the prizes list has not been finalized at the time. Each category will have at least 5 judges selected from amongst the C&C fansite and mapping community. Judging will be blind, with judges being unaware of the author of a particular map.

We invite everyone to visit the Open Map Competition section at CnCCommunity.net to read the complete list of rules and obtain information about prizes. Also available are winning maps from previous Open Map Competitions as well as tutorial information for new mappers.

The Open Map Competition - a perfect opportunity for everyone to improve their maping skills, to show off our community's talent, and to crown the best C&C mappers of the year!

To your map editors, gentle C&C fans! May the best mapper win!
- The Open Map Competition Organization
Interested? Head here for more!

And other community news:
  • CNC DEN has a new ZH map, and two new Generals ones.
  • Halogen has released a teaser video that comes in many different codecs and sizes for you.

— Monday, April 18, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 2:09:51 PM ET

Plethora of screens at Blitz 2: TFH

BLitzkrieg 2: The Finest Hour has released 8 new screens showcasing the German vs. Russian battle for Moscow in the mod. They look fabulous, and I highly recommend checking them out!

— Monday, April 18, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 4:20:01 AM ET

New Photoshop THIS! at PCNC

Planet CNC has a new edition of their famed Photoshop THIS! where everyone Photoshops a picture for the week. This week's entries were quite good, but HeXetic left the following note to all CNC fans:
Of course, fellow C&C-ers, you realise what this means, don't you? The DOOM-heads have shown more support than you have. I appear to have understated your general patheticnessicity in my opening article. You'd best show the DOOM-ites how Photoshoppage is done by true PCNCers.
Get this week's edition here.

— Sunday, April 17, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 8:50:05 AM ET

New Renders at Regen; New files at PCNC

  • Red Alert: Regeneration continues their torrent of renders with two more today, one of the Soviet Missile Silo and one of the Allied turret. They both look very well done!
  • HeXetic, famed file director at PlanetCNC, has uploaded three new RA2/YR maps. He also sends word that PlanetCNC is happy to mirror your mod.
  • AtProject Perfect Mod, Stucuk has uploaded a revision to their Open Source HVA Builder, updating it to version 2.0c. The following bugs have been fixed.
    * Saves HVA's based on which voxels are open (Body, Turret, Barrel) instead of which HVA is open
    * Animation bar is now enabled/disabled based on amount of frames
    * HVA's are now forced on the rendering
    Get it from Project Perfect Mod.
  • Only War,a Warhammer 40k based Zero Hour mod, will be celebrating their second birthday on April 19th, only two days away. As part of the celebration, they will be releasing their first public Beta, as well as launching a new website.
That's all for now, and remember that you can always e-mail me news at Blbpaws@cncgeneralsworld.com!
Last edited by Blbpaws on Sunday, April 17, 2005 at 12:53:12 PM.

— Saturday, April 16, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 1:51:42 PM ET

CNC World Relaunches!

After 10 months of downtime, chickendippers, who has been working on CNC Community as well, sends word that CNC World will be back with a brand new back-end! They also have a very well done 'End of Westwood Gallery.' They are also sponsoring some XWIS tournaments for RA2, YR, and TS. Congrats to the staff of the site on a great relaunch!

In other news
  • Blitzkrieg 2: The Finest Hour has a new render of the M-26 Pershing Tank.
  • RA: Regeneration has two new renders up, one of the Allied Missile Silo, and one of the Soviet Radar Dome.
  • Cold War Crisis has released a render and a screen of the F-4G Advanced Wild Weasel.
  • Lion, from CNC DEN reports that his network may be experiencing some server trouble, which could explain some slow loading times. Still, it loads fine for me.
Last edited by Blbpaws on Saturday, April 16, 2005 at 5:52:16 PM.

— Thursday, April 14, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 3:16:11 PM ET

Patch 1.04 Released

EA has released Patch 1.04. You can download the patches in other languages here or get the US English one here. This patch fixes three main issues:
* GLA WORKER - Slow supply gather rate problem fixed.
* Online lobby sorts alphabetically instead of by rank.
* Mountain Fox - Missing bridge bug has been fixed.
And in other community news:

— Tuesday, April 12, 2005 —

Posted By: Mike at 6:44:10 PM ET

News Bits

Today's news is a bit sparse, but here's the latest community news:

CNCNZ had posted the original versions of the INI files for both Generals and Zero Hour, "handy to have in case you mess up your original files."

Lion over at CNCDEN has posted up 11 new Zero Hour replays for your viewing pleasure.

And finally, the Yuri's Revenge mod, Robot Storm has a new version, 1.95. The mod is self-described as "a futuristic war for survival" and sounds interesting if you're a player who still enjoys playing Red Alert 2 or Yuri's Revenge.

That's it for today! If you're looking for something to do, feel free to stop by and visit with the community at the Generals World Forums!
Last edited by Mike on Tuesday, April 12, 2005 at 10:45:56 PM.

— Monday, April 11, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 4:35:23 PM ET

Today's News

Also, as MicScoTho mentioned, we've added a new affiliate here. I'd like to personally say thank MicScoTho and the guys from CNC Replays for getting this set up, and I hope it will be the beginning of a long a beneficial relationship for both sides.
Last edited by Blbpaws on Monday, April 11, 2005 at 8:36:25 PM.

— Monday, April 11, 2005 —

Posted By: Mike at 4:17:51 PM ET

New Affiliate

Here at Generals World we just recently added a new affiliate, CNC Replays. CNCReplays.com is a premier provider of replays and strategies for Zero Hour. They have a thriving community of players who frequent their forums, which is a great place to go for discussion of anything related to playing Generals Online. I personally feel as though CNCReplays compliments Generals World's content very nicely. I highly encourage all of our visitors to pay them a visit.

— Sunday, April 10, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 2:31:41 PM ET

What is up? This is up.

  • Road to Moscow has two new renders. They also need skinners.
  • Red Alert: Regeneration has a slew of new renders.
  • Another RA-ZH mod, Red Alert: Chrono Device has some renders.
  • CNC Holland has finished their staff-only DVD and has a new teaser trailer.
  • CNC DEN has a great deal (about 200MB) of stuff from Generals Build 98. Useful for modders...Also, Lion has a new ZH map.
  • An Act of War has a new trailer and renders. Also, a belated happy birthday goes out to its leader, PCTeen1.
Last edited by Luckie on Monday, April 11, 2005 at 7:35:25 AM.

— Thursday, April 7, 2005 —

Posted By: Mike at 1:03:31 PM ET

Poll: Favorite C&C Game

I've put up a new site poll this afternoon. I'm sure we have asked this question before, but I am nonetheless interested in how it will turn out in current times. The question is: In retrospect, what is your all time favorite CnC game? For voting purposes, please presume that a game's expansion is included with the original title. It's interesting to note that Louis Castle's favorite game developed since EA's acquisition of Westwood is Red Alert 2 and the Yuri's Revenge expansion (see the RTS Philosophy: An Interview with Louis Castle newspost for details). Also note that if Generals is your first Command & Conquer, there's an option specifically for you.

And now on to the last poll's results, which are interesting. You can be sure that Generals World has taken due note of them.
What's most important for a C&C fansite to have?
All the latest news
Downloads, downloads, and more downloads!
Active forums
Some really sweet mods
Strategies, game info, and articles

Total Votes: 62
Last edited by Mike on Thursday, April 7, 2005 at 5:08:13 PM.

— Thursday, April 7, 2005 —

Posted By: Mike at 12:47:09 PM ET

RTS Philosophy: An Interview with Louis Castle

GameSpy has a very interesting article online, posted yesterday, that features an interview with Westwood Studios co-founder Louis Castle. Louis Castle is currently the VP of Creative Development at EALA. The article is entitled The EA RTS Philosophy: A Conversation with Louis Castle and is a must-read. Here's a quote from Castle that may be of particular interest to Command & Conquer fans:
We are dedicated to Command & Conquer products, and with each one we will look to make sure and match the most appropriate fiction to the gameplay benefits we feel the market will be most excited about. We are currently working on something new -- it's in the early stages of concept development -- and we are currently considering our many options. It's not unusual during the genesis of a game to start leaning towards one concept but then find that the gameplay lends itself to something else -- we've already taken the concept in a new and exciting direction that is vastly different than what we initially proposed. Whatever we do, though, I can promise that we will be faithful to the story presentation set in previous products and we hope to build upon that fiction.
The article provides a lot of insight into the game development process at Electronic Arts, and also hints at what the future may have in store for Command & Conquer. Be sure to give the article a read here.

Also, Aaron has confirmed to the community that Patch 1.04 will be released Wednesday, April 13th. Here's what he had to say:
Patch 1.03 for C&C: Zero Hour was a massive patch, but unfortunately it brought about some unintended technical issues with it. While you won’t find the latest C&C: Zero Hour patch 1.04 to be hardly as massive, we were able to address some of the top critical issues that the patch brought to the community. It is going to be a very small patch, but based upon your community feedback, these were the top issues which warranted the most critical fixing:

1. GLA WORKER – Slow supply gather rate problem fixed.
2. Online lobby sorts alphabetically instead of by rank.
3. Mountain Fox – Missing bridge bug has been fixed.

We will release Patch 1.04 for C&C: Zero Hour this Wednesday, April 13th.
I'm sure all the Generals Online players will be looking forward to having the GLA worker bug fixed, in particular.
Last edited by Mike on Thursday, April 7, 2005 at 4:50:23 PM.

— Thursday, April 7, 2005 —

Posted By: Mike at 4:14:25 AM ET

New Zero Hour Patch Coming

Carnage of CncReplays.com reports that a new Zero Hour patch is in the works! Aaron, a community manager for EA, made a post here on the Middle-Earth MW forums. Here's the part pertaining to Zero Hour:
For example, we are releasing a minor patch for Zero Hour within the next week that addresses the few bugs which the last patch did not address or tweaked in the wrong way. GLA bug, have you heard of that one? It's a very small patch in comparison to the previous, but alas, it still must be 100% clean and sent through CQC. It's a drawn out process, but the reason being is it assures anything coming from our studio goes through many testing phases, instead of just one.
Perhaps EA is turning over a new leaf? I'll leave that for you to decide, but only time will tell.
Last edited by Mike on Thursday, April 7, 2005 at 8:15:31 AM.

— Wednesday, April 6, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 4:09:06 AM ET


To make up for my laziness Monday and yesterday, I've done a community roundup.
  • Red Alert: Regeneration has released some new renders today. They have one of the Soviet Missile Sub, and of the Yak.
  • Vietnam Reborn has released a bunch of USA cameos, which look quite nice. They also have annouced the winners of their map making contest. Finally, they are looking for a graphics artist to do more cameos, and to do the command bar.
  • Project Perfect Mod has the latest public beta version (1.9) of Robot Storm for Yuri's Revenge. Get it at the Robot Storm website.
  • CNC Reactor (a Polish site) conducted an interview with 2312222 and Widowmaker from Zero Hour mod Cold War Crisis. Read it here.
Not much, was there?

— Sunday, April 3, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 9:53:33 AM ET

April Fool's Weekend Roundup

Well, as I'm sure you've noticed, we had no April Fool's Day joke this year. Of course, since I haven't been around the last few days, it would have been a great surprise, and probably would have fooled everyone, if one of the other staff members had made a newspost. Alas, that didn't happen, so here is your community news from the past few days:
Last edited by Mike on Monday, April 4, 2005 at 7:57:07 AM.
