Hey everyone,
Ash of CNCSERIES has posted a good article about the public relations problems regarding Command and Conquer. Here is a small peice of the article:
In the past month, the Official Site was completed and set up to be viewed by all. After a beautiful Flash intro, catchy thudding music and a pleasing looking black layout, what was there? Not much, really. An information section that has been surpassed by most sites in the community and hasn't been updated once (nor since the original preview by the looks of it) with a rather.....poor way of worming out of it: a tag with "undocumented" stamped on it. Does this console you? I'm guessing it's supposed to radiate a feeling of militaristic background, but when you look beyond the graphics you see it for what it really is: a site with no info or new screenshots whatsoever. Essentially, it's a waste of space, the only purpose being to attract people to the name. Imagine it as a supermodel; simply draped over a superior product in order to catch attention. Sorry, but I've grown out of buying a product because of a pretty woman sat on top of it.
You can find the rest of it here.
Mark at CNC Universe had a responsive article to Ash's, here is a small exerpt:
Westwood was never known for it’s brilliant marketing technique when Virgin owned it. Part way through development of a number of titles, EA purchased Westwood. This gave them access to EA’s huge money reserves and marketing resources. Needless to say that now Westwood has gained an untimely reputation of being a sellout and a mass marketing machine, not the precision engineering company that it once was.
You Can find the rest of this article here.
There are two new scanned pages of Generals information. Here is a small clip of it:
And that's before you even consider the titular officer. As well as Red Alert 2-style hero characters, you'll also be able to take along a General who will open up more troop types and tactical options. Quite how autonomous these epauletted elites will be is yet to be finalised, but some of the names hint at their uses: Terrorist Cell General, BioWar General, Warlord General and so on. Is this the end of tank rushing in C&C?
You would be able to see the rest of the article in our Miscellaneous Section of our Images Gallery but given the "situation" we can't upload them. So just click on the link below to access the makeshift image viewer. It's kind of crude but I only had 20 minutes to make it and I've been awake for over 16 hours straight now.
Click Here to Access the Viewer
That's it, If you would like to leave comments, i will respond, but for now, I'm out, it's definatly time for bed...
Last edited by MicScoTho on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 5:29:19 AM.