I am planning to release my MOD, Breaking Twilight, sometime during the summer. However, I need your input on what I should have in it!
As it is, these are the features I am including in my MOD:
- Raptors and Stealth Bombers are visible to eyes, but invisible to the radar. Which means that MiGs can't fire on them with missiles.
- Raptors now have vulcan cannons on the front, which isn't radar-dependant and is quite inaccurate. Is only effective against air targets and infantry.
- The Commanche can now fire upon air targets, as it should.
- Ranger's Flash-Bang grendades temporarily disable the enemy, instead of killing them.
- I will be including an F-18ACTIVE as a new plane, which is much more maneuverable and slightly faster than the F-22, but has a smaller payload and is not stealthed to radar.
- China
- Hackers will make more money when they are at... um... n00b status (no chevron sybmols).
- I will be increasing the cost of MiGs and MiG Armor.
- MiGs will now have a vulcan cannon the the front, which is effective against air and infantry targets.
- For GLA, I will be adding some other cool stuff (actually I have no idea since I've never had any encounters with suicidal terrorists).
If you have any suggestions, either post a comment to this news article, or post
here. Anything you would like to see in Command and Conquer: Generals that you don't think will off-balance the game, post! Also, I need:
- 1 More modeller
- 1 More Skinner
- 1 INI Modder
But your input is the most important thing. Thank you, Goodbye.
Last edited by gamemastax on Tuesday, June 17, 2003 at 8:48:10 PM.