Here's your community news for this Sunday:
Gamer Infiltration has a new wallpaper up! The wallpaper is of General Thorn. You can see it on this page.CNCDEN has a new wallpaper up as well, and some interresting fan box art. CNCDEN's wallpaper page can be found here.A new site, Conflict Imminent has launched! Here's what was posted:Conflict-Imminent today opened it's doors after weeks of planning and work behind the scenes. Launching with a relativley small staff, it is hoped that more will come. The site is perhaps taking on the most montrous task that originated from several sites in the Westwood Fan Community. Covering more than just the CnC Classics, and WW Games, C-I is expanding into a full plethora of games, the focal point being the genres of RPG, FPS, and RTS games.
Be sure to check them out!Generals Bunker also has a new wallpaper! They just keep on coming! You can visit the Generals Bunker wallpaper page here.That's all for now.