Chris Rubyor has posted on the
Official Message Boards the thirteen members selected to participte in the Generals Multiplayer Test. Here's the post:
*Rolls out the Red Carpet*
Here our the 13 MULTIPLAYER TEST VIP's!
Lethal Hobo #850
Dyganth #5101
Kingmada #92
Operator #5064
Sydr0 #385
Dark Wolf #3968
The Doofus #2513
M1ch4el #63
RedArmy #1351
Michael Kallon #4802
Servo #998
Thrawn28 #3330
Criton #5114
Boards Veterans and Special Guests (Didn't expect this did ya)
Iraqi Army
Blue Destiny
Remirol Nacud
Congrats guys, I look forward to adding your names to my record of players crushed and humiliated.
Expect to receive a private board message from me shortly with information about the test.
Online Community Manager
Command & Conquer
Westwood Studios/Electronic Arts
You can read the actual post
right here. Congratulations to those lucky members!
For those of you who weren't selected, you may find this post by Chris (Delphi) interresting:
Not all is lost you still have a chance by signing up tomorrow. Also in the coming weeks, I will be hosting a few more board specific contests with MP test slots as prizes.
Online Community Manager
Command & Conquer
Westwood Studios/Electronic Arts