C&C Labs News Wire

— Saturday, October 29, 2005 —

Posted By: Mike at 12:00:48 AM ET

Are You the Biggest Command & Conquer Fan?

Well here's something interesting straight off the presses. This email came in tonight from online community manager Aaran "APOC" Kaufman.

Are You The Biggest Command & Conquer Fan?

Prove it! The producers of Command & Conquer (C&C) want you to create an original video showing your C&C pride

This is your ONE chance to define your place in C&C history. All it takes is passion, a little bit of humor, and a 3 minute video showcasing why YOU are the biggest C&C fan in the world!

Over the past 10 years, you've seen archetype characters such as Tanya, Kane, Yuri, Alexander Romanov, CABAL, President Michael Dugan, Albert Einstein, and more, come to life in the vast C&C universe. These memorable characters defined a classic cinematic period of videogame history that hardcore fans of C&C will never forget. Now is your chance to become a part of C&C history by showing us why YOU are one of the biggest Command & Conquer fans ever.

We're looking for you to submit the most entertaining fall-off-your-chair-laughing videos proving your undying devotion to C&C. Maybe it’s you dressed as Kane reenacting your favorite cinematic from the game… Perhaps it’s you showing us your fancy website... Or maybe the life-size GDI tank you built in your garage... Or maybe it’s a memorable match that changed your life. It's up to you, but we want your very best.

We're also looking for any photos or fan art you’ve created. This could be of you at the top of the Swiss Alps holding a C&C Gold box...Or a drawing of Tanya (rated Teen please)... Anything to get our blood pumping with C&C.

Whatever you submit, make it your best! We have something BIG planned, so make sure to check out www.CommandAndConquer.ea.com on November 3rd.

Well it looks like this has the potential to liven things up! I've created a special page for the contest here.

Aaron also posted the following on CNCDEN:
FYI, the link to our Generals page for commandandconquer.ea.com will be redirected somewhere else on November 3rd.

If you don't choose to partake in this competition, you miss a chance to be a part of C&C history... forever.

My goal is 100 submissions. I challenge the community to meet that.


I will give a personal award to my favorite of the submissions. In fact, I will give a "prop" from C&C to that winner. Yes that's right, a prop that only I have and am willing to give up.
A challenge to the community? Something happening to commandandconquer.ea.com on next Thursday? A "prop" from C&C? Intriguing, no? Check out the Are You the Biggest Command and Conquer Fan? page for all the details about the contest!
Last edited by Mike on Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 4:03:31 AM.
