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This is a 4-player map set in an urban setting. This map is a remake of Yuri's Revenge map Siege of Sarajevo. (it's also remake of Kane's Wrath map Sarajevo Battlegrounds) A river runs through the city and separating the map on two parts (north, south). There is plenty of ore nodes, oil derricks and other tech buildings. Enjoy the map!
File Size: 530.8 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: mirza044   

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Moscow Madness is a four player symmetrical map with three or four expansion points located in a variety of places nearby.
Each base has several points of entry, two by land and two by water. The only way to access the other half of the map is via the main bridge running from North to South, but as you reach the centre island you will notice that if the bridge is destroyed yours forces will be trapped, unless they are amphibious. The centre island has four ore nodes as well as two oil derricks, which means that this area is well worth securing. There are also 2 oil derricks on each of the smaller centre islands, with 2 ore nodes nearby, and another 1 located to the East and West.
File Size: 466.2 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: Clone11b   

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Watering Hole is a four player desert map with an oasis and small town located in the middle. Each player starts off with the usual two ore nodes, and has two nearby expansions, one on water and one on land. Between each player location are several choke points, with observation posts hidden between cliffs. On the middle ridge of the map are another four expansion points and four oil derricks. There are also two ore nodes in the centre of the map for all players to fight over. In addition to the four oil derricks on the ridge there are another four located on the small outer islands, as well as an observation post. I have also placed serveral ambient sounds on the map to give the map a more natural feel.

File Size: 1.1 MB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: Clone11b   

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BattleBase Koi is a large support floating-fortress for Japan. It was originally designed to research into technologies to advance Japan's ever expanding Nanite and Waveforce technology. Due to Allied offence, this ship continues its path towards Honolulu, Pearl Harbour to re-enforce the military forces.

The map is designed around a new concept created by me in an attempt to utilize all of the strategies RA3 has to offer.

It has a great water area, but little use without a good view on top of the battlebase. Vehicles are picked down by the huge number of civilian structures, making a single armoured assault much less-effective. Air units have a difficult time as they can be countered by AA from unreachable places for non-long ranged units.

One of the main pointers about this map is the number of Ore depot locations. There are more on land than anywhere on the map, but this doesn't mean Navy won't work, as there are Oil Derricks outside of the fortress to hold your own and push back on land.

Currently, land is the most easily accessible way of gaining access to another player's base and with infantry being so deadly, its good advice normally to hold the main areas with them. But be aware that enemies, although vulnerable on the field, are much more at comfort in their base, where base defences can make short work with infantry.
File Size: 1 MB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: TiberianFiend   

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Crimson Passage is a large map made for long 3v3 battles. The map tends to lend towards turtling, although large advantages can be gained by early attacks at the enemies tech structures.

Each of the three players begins with two ore-nodes and four shared expansion ore-nodes behind the each teams main defensive line. There are also four expansion ore-nodes up for grabs near the centre of the map.
File Size: 742.7 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 6
Author: MaelXD   

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My very first map. Average detailed, balanced. Two separated islands to the right and the left. Each of the islands has two Ore Nodes and several civilian buildings. In the middle is a floating fortress with two Ore Nodes and four shockwave-artillery-turrets to capture. Both players begin the game with an allied barracks on the fortress, to fight and capture the buildings. Between the fortress in the middle and the two main islands to the left and right, there are two very small islands rising in the remaining space, so there is one mini-island on each players side.

On both small islands there is an Oil Derrick and an Observation Post available for capture.
File Size: 225.8 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Commander_Shikari   

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This map is a remake of Pacific Heights for Red Alert 2. Each player starts in the corner of the map with 2 Ore Nodes with 2 nearby expansions, one on the water and 1 on the land near the beach. The centre island contains 4 Oil Derricks which replace the Airport Tech Structure that used to be in the middle of the original Pacific Heights map. This was also done so that they weren't in the original location as this was much too close to the start positions.
File Size: 693.8 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: Clone11b   

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This is a 6 Player map designed for long all-around 3v3 team battles. Symmetrical, balanced map with uneven starting positions. (see Burnt-Out Paradise) Believe it or not, but it actually is a remake (recreation) of Bay of Pigs map, though it hardly resembles it.
File Size: 1.5 MB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 6
Author: ZeNewk & Acid_Cr@sh   

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Isolated Island is a 2 player map with each player starting with slightly limited building space to encourage expanding. Near each of the starting locations is an extra Ore Node situated on the third level.

There are two Oil Derricks at the opposite ends of the map on little islands, with two Ore Nodes on the water nearby. On the middle piece of land are another 2 Ore Nodes with a Veteran Academy between them.
File Size: 518.6 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Clone11b   

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This map is a partial remake of the Red Alert 2 map, Let There Be Fight. The reason it is a partial remake is that I decided to add more water and a middle island for more strategic options. There is only 1 entry point into each of the starting positions, with 2 Ore Nodes close by (1 on water and 1 on land) to expand to. There is also an Oil Derrick nearby for an extra income boost. The middle island holds 2 Ore Nodes and can be easily cut off from the enemy. The use of a Navy will prove very useful in taking out bases.

File Size: 161.5 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Clone11b   

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