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Location Unknown; the area is not even on the map and it doesn't exist at all, and it is under the control of Shadow Company, a faction led by Phillip Graves, a.k.a. "The Shadow,"  who specializes in Experimental Weaponry and Covert Operations. They develop some sort of Next Generation Electronic Warfare Technology, and we have no idea of its true purpose. Their weapons are like nothing we have seen before, and they are very deadly. Graves is not to be mess with; he will stop at nothing to defeat his adversaries. You better be watch out, General; he will easily overwhelm and outclass you. It's like playing a game of chess; one false move and you will be subjected to "Checkmate."  Play it smart, and good luck.

Date submitted: 10/3/2024
Date reviewed: 10/13/2024

This challenge has 5 difficulties for players to pick depending on their playstyle:

- Easy
- Medium
- Hard
- Brutal WARNING: This is very difficult.
- Insane WARNING: This will be EXTREMELY difficult!!! Only the true warrior plays this.

Players can choose 2 factions in this challenge:

- Al Qatala (Heavy Assault and Mass Horde Tactics)
- White Lotus (Advanced Napalm Weaponry Division)

Show us your skill in challenging against the advanced and experimental forces of Shadow Company. Strike Hard, General. Good Hunting.
File Size: 4.6 MB        File Type: .zip
Author: ZToppe_57SM3   

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A new challenge against commander of the demolition forces - General Rodall 'Demo' Juhziz.
Challenge features:
- Juhziz uses an improved underground tunnel system to deliver his explosives across the battlefield.
- Active seismic zones in some places on the map that causes earthquakes. To disable it, destroy the new building - "Seismic Device"
- Juhziz is a master of explosives. He uses a special tactic of mining the battlefield. If you cleared area of ​​mines and left it, then upon returning after some time this area can be mined again in new places.
- Jarmen Kell uses remote-controlled explosives. He can stealthy mine your base and blow it up in an instant!
- Restored cut Rebel's ability - time demo charge. They also use it.
- Restored cut special power "Black Market Nuke". Juhziz will drop a dirty bomb from a plane to the most vulnerable point of your base.
- New building - "Scrap Factory". This building produces mined cars to attack your troops.
- Fake buildings leaves terrorists when destroyed.
- Stealth sabotage squads.
- Original Juhziz voice acting.

You play as vanilla America by default.
Check Readme file for instruction how to change your general.

Date submitted: 9/19/2024
Date reviewed: 9/23/2024
File Size: 390.7 KB        File Type: .zip
Author: Axirion   

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This is a updated version of my first map from a few years ago with many fixes added tips added to hopefully make the map play better than ever.

25 levels await that will put your skills as a general to the test. Terror Techs? Waypoint scouts? Fargo pops? Just about everything will be thrown at you. Not for the inexperienced or faint of heart.

Date submitted: 5/21/2024
Date reviewed: 5/24/2024
File Size: 211.6 KB        File Type: .zip
Author: BKR   

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This is my very first single-player mission, I did everything that my meager skills allowed me to do at the moment - so don’t be too hard on me for possible bugs wink.gif

This map is an homage to the classic trilogy of Resident Evil games, as well as the single-player missions from C&C1 and RA1 where the action took place in buildings.
the main gameplay here is wandering through the corridors, searching for keys, passwords and completing some quests.
so I can say with confidence that some may find this an incredibly boring pastime (The minimum completion time, one might say speedrun, is exactly an hour. the maximum it took testers was two hours). but I genuinely had fun xD
this mission is supposed to be preceded by several more missions before it (but for some reason I decided to release this particular map first),
therefore, the main previous events remained behind the scenes.

Dr. Thrax conspired with an evil pharmaceutical company, and together they created a virus that turns people into zombies!
Some time ago, Agent Lotus sneaked into Thrax's main Laboratory, but was captured. After this, the virus leaked and chaos reigned in the city.
While the common soldiers are just trying to survive, Colonel Barton decides to save Lotus and kick some ass with Thrax himself!

P.S. I highly recommend playing with Gentul - it is also necessary to indicate +10 in the “Camera height” column
otherwise, due to the low standard map draw distance, you will see some crap in the final cutscene wink.gif
Pls, see Image in folder this map
Map created by WBG-SpeCoV1k (11.05.2024)
Translation to English (i dont speak lol) of text from endless briefings: Mp3
Many thanks to these people for testing the map: YuG-Server and Rain
Also thank WorldBuilder ZH community for some helps with my billion problems xD especially NewGate

Some parts of ini-code i take from free work NewGate, Adriane and Ko, some cods i take from different maps other mappers.

Date submitted: 5/21/2024
Date reviewed: 5/24/2024
File Size: 829.8 KB        File Type: .zip
Author: Romka beton   

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Take a Challenge against the most Advanced USA Army in United Factions Gamemode. You can choose one of the 3 other Faction in this gamemmode

- HALO Forces
- United Factions China
- United Factions GLA

There are 3 difficulty for players to pick depending on their playstyle, Good Luck and Have Fun General!

Date submitted: 3/29/2024
Date reviewed: 3/29/2024
File Size: 5.6 MB        File Type: .zip
Author: Gramantio   

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General, after taking heavy losses in Ar Rumaylah, Iraq. HALO Forces are now retreating through Zagros Oak Forest near Iraq - Iran border bringing in all of their remaining Forces and Nuclear weaponary, we must stop those convoys to ensure our victory on our future battle with the HALO Forces

There will be 3 convoys bringing back their nuclear weapons passing through this area, each convoy have 3 Nuclear trucks and you need to capture all of them safely, we CANNOT lose even a single one of them!!!

The Chinese are here to help us and the Advanced USA Army are at your disposal, Good Luck General!

Date submitted: 3/29/2024
Date reviewed: 3/29/2024
File Size: 2.3 MB        File Type: .zip
Author: Gramantio   

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hi guys sry for the wait it is me Orcanos but I created a new account why ? long story XD
so if u wanna message me then send messages to this account or u could join us in the discord server so u can chat with the other cool mappers there it's a cool place right?
about the map:
I spend long time in this trying to fix the mistakes that was in the previous map.
sadly this one hadn't been tested by many dudes because most of them are busy these days.

thx for:
AGX750 and Newgate for the testing and the help with the ini stuff
that's all u need to know I'm no gonna say any thing about the map difficultly so u find out on ur own! hf!

Date submitted: 4/18/2021
Date reviewed: 4/19/2021
File Size: 471.3 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: -OAS-   

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In this mission, your objective is to wipe out the GLA dictator in control of the whole city. He has brainwashed civilians into thinking that YOU are the enemy and that he can no longer sustain peace unless they fight alongside him and wipe you out!

This is my first time doing camera scripts so don't be too harsh :D

Date Submitted: 4/3/2020
Date Reviewed: 4/4/2020
File Size: 106.7 KB        File Type: .zip
Author: Bonkers793   

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Mission Map Pack: Consist of 5 mission maps

Please see attached word document for full description.

Date Submitted: 2/14/2020
Date Reviewed: 2/19/2020
File Size: 611.3 KB        File Type: .zip
Author: UP_4-8-8-4   

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Try your skills vs the forgotten General of the United States, General Ironside.

China has located one of Ironside's TechLabs and you have been sent out to destroy it. However, your tech is limited which won't make this an easy task.
File Size: 84.8 KB        File Type: .zip
Author: ViTeXFTW   

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