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Base Lotus, located in Northern China, is under the control of White Lotus, a faction that specializes in Advanced Napalm Weaponry; their weapons can burn anything and are considered to be deadly. The leadership of this faction is currently unknown; he/she will pound their enemies with everything they have. Being one of the largest and most advanced military in PLA's armed forces, it has a large number of manpower, ground and aerial forces in their disposal. Once you arrive in this area, there's no turning back; all you need to do is challenge White Lotus, no matter the cost. Be careful, General. The military presence in this region is extremely high, so be cautious. Good Hunting.

Date submitted: 11/28/2024
Date reviewed: 11/28/2024

This challenge has 5 difficulties for players to pick depending on their playstyle:

- Easy (Moderate Military Presence)
- Medium (High Military Presence)
- Hard (Extreme Military Presence)
- Brutal (WARNING: This is very difficult.)
- Insane (WARNING: This will be extremely difficult.)

Players can choose 2 factions in this challenge:

- Al-Qatala (Heavy Assault and Mass Horde Tactics)
- Shadow Company (Experimental Weaponry and Covert Operations)

Be prepared a fiery battle against the White Lotus. Best of Luck, General.
File Size: 4.7 MB        File Type: .zip
Author: ZToppe_57SM3   

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Take a Challenge against the most Advanced China Army in United Factions Gamemode. You can choose one of the 3 other Faction in this gamemode

- HALO Forces
- United Factions USA
- United Factions GLA

There are 3 difficulty for players to pick depending on their playstyle, Good Luck and Have Fun General!

Date submitted: 11/27/2024
Date reviewed: 11/27/2024
File Size: 5.6 MB        File Type: .zip
Author: Gramantio   

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And Hlep is coming to their own victory!
We won't let the Antihlep and Amirkhans defeat us!
Our forces are separated...
All is good, they don't know about us, we'll just need to find some camps in the town
We got only one chance for victory!
Captain JKAmirASh is key character in this operation.
Don't lose him and or Arms Dealer...

Testers:Igorek - Dep, AmirAsh(aka AmirSh), OldGate, Apporix, VeLoXiuS
Published by:AmirAsh, HSMM Team

Do it commander, good luck, Muska, out.

Date submitted: 11/26/2024
Date reviewed: 11/26/2024
File Size: 425.3 KB        File Type: .zip
Author: Muska[HSMM]   

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Location Unknown; the area is not even on the map and it doesn't exist at all, and it is under the control of Shadow Company, a faction led by Phillip Graves, a.k.a. "The Shadow,"  who specializes in Experimental Weaponry and Covert Operations. They develop some sort of Next Generation Electronic Warfare Technology, and we have no idea of its true purpose. Their weapons are like nothing we have seen before, and they are very deadly. Graves is not to be mess with; he will stop at nothing to defeat his adversaries. You better be watch out, General; he will easily overwhelm and outclass you. It's like playing a game of chess; one false move and you will be subjected to "Checkmate."  Play it smart, and good luck.

Date submitted: 10/3/2024
Date reviewed: 10/13/2024

This challenge has 5 difficulties for players to pick depending on their playstyle:

- Easy
- Medium
- Hard
- Brutal WARNING: This is very difficult.
- Insane WARNING: This will be EXTREMELY difficult!!! Only the true warrior plays this.

Players can choose 2 factions in this challenge:

- Al Qatala (Heavy Assault and Mass Horde Tactics)
- White Lotus (Advanced Napalm Weaponry Division)

Show us your skill in challenging against the advanced and experimental forces of Shadow Company. Strike Hard, General. Good Hunting.
File Size: 4.6 MB        File Type: .zip
Author: ZToppe_57SM3   

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A new challenge against commander of the demolition forces - General Rodall 'Demo' Juhziz.
Challenge features:
- Juhziz uses an improved underground tunnel system to deliver his explosives across the battlefield.
- Active seismic zones in some places on the map that causes earthquakes. To disable it, destroy the new building - "Seismic Device"
- Juhziz is a master of explosives. He uses a special tactic of mining the battlefield. If you cleared area of ​​mines and left it, then upon returning after some time this area can be mined again in new places.
- Jarmen Kell uses remote-controlled explosives. He can stealthy mine your base and blow it up in an instant!
- Restored cut Rebel's ability - time demo charge. They also use it.
- Restored cut special power "Black Market Nuke". Juhziz will drop a dirty bomb from a plane to the most vulnerable point of your base.
- New building - "Scrap Factory". This building produces mined cars to attack your troops.
- Fake buildings leaves terrorists when destroyed.
- Stealth sabotage squads.
- Original Juhziz voice acting.

You play as vanilla America by default.
Check Readme file for instruction how to change your general.

Date submitted: 9/19/2024
Date reviewed: 9/23/2024
File Size: 390.7 KB        File Type: .zip
Author: Axirion   

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General, Bushehr City is under heavy attack by HALO Forces, Approximately 70% of the city has been destroyed. Thousands of civilians are trapped within the city and we've been ordered to help with the evacuation efforts

All three factions have already established early outpost to help defend and rescue the civilians. Due to panic and shock, the incomplete evacuation left the civilains without transportation, forcing them to travel on foot

We must regain control of Bushehr City at all costs, not only to save the civilians but also to prevent HALO Forces to turn this place into their stronghold

In this mission you can choose between the 3 main Factions in the campaign

- United Factions USA
- United Factions GLA
- United Factions China

Each factions have their own unique intro, outro and side objective, this side objective is not mandatory but will have consequences if ignored. This way players can focus on the main objective and does not have to constantly checking between the side and main objective

Good Luck Generals!

Date submitted: 8/21/2024
Date reviewed: 8/22/2024
File Size: 1.9 MB        File Type: .zip
Author: Gramantio   

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Strange activity has been detected on the lands of an unknown island in the Malpush Sea, which we found in the last mission. A team of General Alya's troops has begun an invasion of this region. They must find out what is going on here. We know for sure that the anarchists are there, but why are they here? We need to figure this out immediately. Good luck, General! Peace for Kakastan!

Date submitted: 8/11/2024
Date reviewed: 8/24/2024
File Size: 175.5 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: BOXY   

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New General Challenge against Fire General who uses:
-new unit 'Fire troop crawler'
-new general power 'Napalm Strike'
-new structure 'Fire trap'
-flamethrower infantry
-units floating on lava.

To change your general, read instructions in the ReadMe.txt file.

Date submitted: 8/11/2024
Date reviewed: 8/12/2024
File Size: 244.6 KB        File Type: .zip
Author: Axirion   

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Protect Secret Research Lab from huge GLA attack.

Date submitted: 8/5/2024
Date reviewed: 8/6/2024
File Size: 191.7 KB        File Type: .zip
Author: Axirion   

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The final challenge, you will face the PLA's highest-ranking general named General Tigress Leiong Leang. She will use her mighty dragon to perish anyone who stand against her.

Her motive is to overwhelm with the best forces she has in her disposal within the republic.

Date submitted: 6/26/2024
Date reviewed: 6/26/2024
File Size: 1.9 MB        File Type: .zip
Author: Cresty   

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