Hello, I have trouble trying to navigate or fix or mod Skirmishscript.scb
1. first I have a question on why the AI just refuses to play and even destroys my own commandcenter when I play Skirmish and they just surrender..
What I did: I first inputted all skirmish players in the Player list, then I loaded the Skirmishscript.scb into world builder from a fresh new map, and I just adjusted the Team Builder to add some of my modified units to the AI's attacking/guarding combatzone units, and then I exported without checking all "include waypoints, include objects, etc."
and clicked "Export All" in export mode. And I replaced the Skirmishscript.scb with my exported one..
2. when I export the script in some skirmish maps, it has the "?" on all folders, is it normal?
3. how do i add my custom unit "Lazr_AmericaTankRailgun" to the skirmish AIs so it can be used when they defend / attack on flank, backdoor, and center waypoints
Edited by user Tuesday, August 13, 2024 9:22:11 AM(UTC)
| Reason: question info addition