Old thread, but hope it helps. As posted in the steam forums here:
https://steamcommunity.c...s/0/1643170269562236674/Anyways, for those of you who own the Origin version and are searching for a way to install mods for this "impossible to mod" version of the game, then you're in luck! Here is a guide to solve your issues; this may also work with the other versions of the game (CD and Steam).
As we all may know, Origin has disabled any and all command line arguments from their game executables for the Ultimate Collection, so trying to get to the games launcher using the -ui or using --modconfig parameters won't work; however, there is a work-around that enables mod functionality for the game.
Here are the steps (courtesy of cncnz.com's technical support and help guides):
1) Download your mod of choice (most likely from ModDB or similar).
2) Unzip the downloaded mod wherever you find convenient.
3) Ensure that your mod has a .skudef or .SkuDef file along with however many .big files it comes with.
4) Go to the directory in which your game is installed (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Command and Conquer 3 TW and KW\Command Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars). Inside that folder should be a .SkuDef file, may be named something like "CNC3_english_1.9.SkuDef" or some equivalent (no quotes, of course).
5) Make a backup of that file, and place the copy somewhere safe. DO NOT keep the copy inside the root of the game files; the game will use it instead of the one you've edited (Credit to @BlackAlpha for discovering the overwrite issue).
6) Right click the file, select "open with", then select a text editor (Notepad or something).
7) At the top of the file, add an empty line right above the line that says "set-exe".
8) Write this line WITHOUT THE QUOTES on that empty line you just made: "add-config path_to_mod_skudef_file" (if the path has white spaces in it, don't put quotes around the path.)
8.5) Example of the line: "add-config C:\Users\[USERNAME]\CNC3 Mods\Tiberium Essence\TiberiumEssence_2.0.skudef"
9) Save the edited .SkuDef file.
10) Go into the Origin app and right click on your installation of Tiberium Wars; then select Game Properties, then uncheck the box labeled: "Enable Origin in game". Enabling Origin in game may cause some issues (issues have been mentioned before while researching this, you may get lucky and not have to disable Origin).
11) Run the game's original launcher
That's it! Your game should load up Tiberium Wars with your installed mod! Hope this helps you as it did for me :steamhappy:
Also, I will be posting this anywhere that needs this valuable information, as it took me nearly a month to figure this out myself; I just so happened to get lucky with my google search keywords.
One more thing: I have a repository on GitHub that automates this process for you if you are interested--not required, but is convenient: