Well, with the news of the arrival of the upcoming X-Pack for Generals i.e (Generals Zero Hour) A lot of Generals community movement has been detected, a lot of sites are placing screenshots and other related articles for the X-Pack and so far, it looks quite promising. Here's a community round up.
CNC DEN - Have added a new section for Generals X-Pack + a close up in person pick of the GLA Motorcycle and an awsome pic of the AC-130 Gunship for the USA!
TibMW - According to Tib MW's interview with the community manager for the CnC series of games, there will be a new site for Generals. It is already under construction and will include 8 new maps.
Other than that the release date is somewhere in fall of 2003 so start those counters!
The new info we have gathered so far on the additions is:
- AC-130 Gunship
- GLA Motorcycle
- EMP Tank
- New GLA Tunnel
- China Internet Center
- US Hellfire Missles
- US Chemical Suits
Thats all for now, hang around for a full coverage of the X-Pack due to be released somewhere in fall 2003! Till then, asta labista!
Last edited by Mike on Friday, July 11, 2003 at 5:36:51 PM.