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The map is modified from original 6-players maps, with 2 extra brutal AI players added. Added a few ore mines and oil derricks. Recommended for multiplayer. The extra AI players consider all others AI players as teammate and all human players as enemy, recommended for 4v4 brutal. It can be used for 6v2, 5v3, 3v5 or 2v6. And the masters can use it for 1v7 brutal.
File Size:
779.6 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 6
Author: Grothen
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The map is modified from original 6-players maps, with 2 extra brutal AI players added. Added a few ore mines and oil derricks. Recommended for multiplayer. The extra AI players consider all others AI players as teammate and all human players as enemy, recommended for 4v4 brutal. It can be used for 6v2, 5v3, 3v5 or 2v6. And the masters can use it for 1v7 brutal.
File Size:
1.4 MB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 6
Author: Grothen
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The map is modified from original 6-players maps, with 2 extra brutal AI players added. Added a few ore mines and oil derricks. Recommended for multiplayer. The extra AI players consider all others AI players as teammate and all human players as enemy, recommended for 4v4 brutal. It can be used for 5v3, 3v5 or 2v6; but not 6v2. And the masters can use it for 1v7 brutal.
File Size:
915.7 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 6
Author: Grothen
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The map is modified from original 6-players maps, with 2 extra brutal AI players added. Added a few ore mines and oil derricks. Recommended for multiplayer. The extra AI players consider all others AI players as teammate and all human players as enemy, recommended for 4v4 brutal. It can be used for 5v3, 3v5 or 2v6; but not 6v2. And the masters can use it for 1v7 brutal.
File Size:
855.1 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 6
Author: Grothen
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Hello, and welcome to the "Be Quick or Be Dead"! The point of this arena is simple: you have 15 minutes to build and prepare your units. While you're on that you can't go to the other side of the map, don't even try. Concentrate on building as much as you can because the other side may just simply outnumber you. Good luck, have fun!
File Size:
17.6 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 6
Author: BuIlDaLiBlE
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design by phuong of Việt Nam Cộng Hòa
File Size:
209.4 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 6
Author: phuonglv1512
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A small map that is built for rush strategies, instead of ore nodes each player is given two oil derricks so they would have to spend their cash wisely and not waste it all at once.
File Size:
18.3 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 6
Author: ibarnstormer
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Uhud Battlefield is a map which has been designed as a 3v3 Ground war, but much fun can be had by playing various combinations, or against the AI. Each player will start the game with 2 main Ore Nodes with plenty of choice for expansion to the many isolated extra nodes positioned around the map. All the major areas on the map have expansion support.
Key areas of capture will be the Observation Stations in the Civilian region, at the centre of the map and the local Lookout stations, near the player starting positions. There are many choke points created by the hills and irregular terrain.
There is very little water in this map, so you will need to build and prepare your army for a land battle as Naval Yard production is disabled.
Bu harita 3vs3 kara savaşı olarak tasarlanmıştır. harita 3 bölüm olarak düşünürsek (ana bölge, ara bölge ve orta bölge). ana bölgede her oyuncuya 2 orenode bulunmaktadır. her ana bölgeye yakın extra orenode destek olarak eklenmiştir.
ayrıca karşı takımı görebilmek için her iki ara bölgeye iki tepe yapılmıştır. her tepede oilderrik ve observation post eklenmiştir. orta bölgede 4x observation post ve 4x orenode bulunmaktadır. orta bölgede bulunan tepe zirvesinde ise garage tech structure, observation post, 2x oilderrik ve 2x orenode bulunmaktadır. kara ve havadan saldrıları etkisiz hale getirebilmek için ise ara ve orta bölgelere sivil binalar yerleştirilmiştir.
File Size:
1.4 MB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 6
Author: mohamed wahied
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This map is a 3vs3 skirmish map for red alert 3. With the left and right side players starting near the water and the two middle players starting further inland. This map also has tons of resources so don't worry about ore. Also there are defense structures like buildings and stock exchanges through out the map placed fairly and evenly. This map was made to be as balanced as possible.
File Size:
841.3 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 6
Author: erik101
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Come and fight at Mount Fuji. This is a 3v3 map with bountiful mineral collector and observation posts.
Have Fun.
File Size:
732.8 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 6
Author: Grafton
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