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Large urban map with good detail, player arranged around the outside corners and one in the middle. Many tech structures and garrisonable buildings, plus a few hidden units.
File Size:
192.4 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 5
Author: Jarylan
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The gold is 900k. Again many useful buildings on it. Player 1 which is in the center of the map, has disadvantage for being in the middle, but has advantage for having 2 Energy plants on his disposal. Every player in corners has to cover two points to be defended. The map has lots of water on it and naval battles are possible. Can also be played in survival mode 1vs4 against players or computers. On West and East are located islands with Hospital, Machine Tech, Airport and Oil Derelicts. North and South islands also have Oil Derelicts. Enjoy!
File Size:
125.4 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 5
Author: busta
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Very rich map, the gold is over a million. Many useful buildings on it. Player 1 which is in the center of the map, has disadvantage for being in the middle, but has advantage for having 2 Energy plants on his disposal. It's relatively easy to build defense on the corners. The map has no water on it and naval battles are not possible. Can be played in survival mode 1vs4 against players or computers. Enjoy!
File Size:
47.1 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 5
Author: busta
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Money/gold : 206425 Map size : 100x100 Map type : temperate Map daycycle : night Tech building : oil Derrick(14) machineshop(1) airport(1) outpost(1) Special building all faction : 1.Allied faction : the pillbox can attack like Mirage tank, 2.Sovyet faction : the sentry gun can attack like apocalypse tank(can'tattack air unit) 3.Yuri Faction : can build a technology of psychic beacon. It can work like gap generator,spysat uplink, psychic tower. Build limit one time.
File Size:
126.6 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 5
Author: Zalfa Hanif
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RA2 Allied mission Liberty inspired map with a lot of details tech building and large amounts of ore. Good map for player vs. player matches.
File Size:
133.2 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 5
Author: C0uCHP0t@t0
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This is Antarctica, you may now fight on it as if it where a luscious green prairie. Instead of a cold polar ice cap.
File Size:
112.4 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 5
Author: alidalbah
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I made it a mission-type map. YOU start at position 4 as GREAT BRITAIN. YOUR opponents are(all on brutal): -RUSSIA at 5; -Libya at 1; -Iraq at 2; -Cuba at 3; At 6 and 7 don't put any opponent. Your objectives are: -1)Build a Battle Lab; -2)Destroy the Kremlin.
Yes, the map is similar to the last mission of the Allies of C&C RA2. I made it like this because I really liked that mission and I wanted to make one similar to that, but.....I think this one is harder. There is a Tech Airport hidden in the map, and also 2 Tech Outposts to help you combat the Kirov Airships.
File Size:
127.4 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 5
Author: cacafualex
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Welcome back Commander,
Despite the onslaught by Allied forces in the USSR, the Soviets still hold Moscow and the Kremlin. You may remember, comrade, that in the Soviet Campaign of Red Alert 2, you had to take out the treacherous Yuri. He was a cowered by hiding inside the Kremlin itself. Now, you have a choice to make.....
Join the final Allied push into the heart of the Russian capital, and use Einstein's technology to end this war once and for all.
And also lead the Red Army to the final defense of the Soviet Union.
Join with Yuri; use Psi-Corp to manipulate the battlefield in order for your master to gain control of Mother Russia. Then he will begin his plans to brainwash the world and reign supreme.
(or you could do whatever you want since this is a skirmish and not a campaign map......)
Here you will find plenty of oil derricks to make your economy grow stronger every second. There is a Weather Controller in the south east that can be captured. The 2 starting positions in the middle are very close to each other which are perfect for team games. There is a starting position to the east and west of the Kremlin. You may need to expand your base to go beyond the walls to get enough room.
The starting position in the south west is exactly where you started in the penultimate mission of the Red alert 2 Soviet Campaign. Make sure you place your defenses strategically so you don't get out flanked.
Good luck Commander.
File Size:
127.2 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 5
Author: RedDeadSmeg
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Take an explore to the Quad of the University.
Dimensions: 80x80
Theater: New Urban
File Size:
98.9 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 5
Author: Tucker Kao
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Designed on the Famous Superman 'S'. Good map. Plenty of Resources. Plenty of space for your bases to be built. Gems, ore and Oil Derricks all over including an island in the south-east with plenty of resources.
Dimensions: 146x109
Theater: Temperate
File Size:
154.9 KB
File Type:
.zip Max Players: 5
Author: Rattus P Rattus
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