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Can you stand the heat? It's so hot, not a sound can be heard. Not an insect. Not a bird. Not a thing! The only thing you can hear is your heart pounding and your brain frying inside your skull.

This map plays well especially well against Medium USA and Hard China Infantry.

Playing from the south position (bottom), your back door is on your east. There are goodies there. Can you get them and protect them? To the north is an oil derrick that SHOULD belong to you, but just northeast of it is a pile of supplies that SHOULD belong to your enemy. Can you get this derrick and keep it? Can you get that pile of supplies and keep it from your enemy? Which do you choose first? The little village to your east, or this derrick and pile of supplies?

This map is essentially flat! There are no cliffs, forests, no lakes or ponds -- nothing to hinder the speed of your opponent. Are you faster than a Hard China Infantry general? Are you as cunning as a Hard GLA Stealth camp? Can you win on this map? Good luck, general. You're going to need it.... and an air conditioner, to. Its hot!

File Size: 112.3 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: Lengo   

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One of the prettiest maps I've made yet! The sunlight that dances through the clouds creates blues, pinks, yellows and more colors on the snow covered ground!

There's a mountain pass between you and your enemy. You have oil derricks on your east that don't have a lot of protection and a oil refinery that is almost integral to your base on the west. In the pass are a few oil derricks too, but neither you or your enemy should count on keeping them. Keeping your oil derricks safe from attack will leave your front door vulnerable. Can you handle this?

From high up on the pass, you'll get a good look at your enemy's base. What will you do? Try to protect your money supply, or go after your enemy's? Either way, you're in for a difficult fight -- Keeping your base protected and launching an attack takes too many resources, so choose your method of death: Death by protecting what's yours, or death by taking what's not yours.

Watch your back door.

This map measures 375x380
File Size: 232.6 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Lengo   

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Two fixes were necessary to make this play right, thus we have v2. The NW corner's oil refinery was on the wrong side of the base and SW's center path had a low spot where tanks could shoot up, but defending infantry couldn't shoot down. While doing that, I decided to dress it up a little.

Many tries at building a map that looks like the Grand Canyon/a painted desert, finally resulted in Paleo Painted Desert. This took weeks to build! Testing always proved terrible until I came up with the design here.

All positions have 4 oil derricks and a oil refinery close by. The oil derricks close to your base will give you opportunity to develop fast. Between the bases are extra supply piles, two turrets that guard them, and two additional oil derricks. These these you will have to fight for.

Please do not modify or redistribute this map.

Have fun!
File Size: 327.5 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Lengo   

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One fast and furious map. It's a money map so be careful against Hard AI players. The money on this map will get your game up and running quickly. It is recommended that you play this starting with just $10,000. Play from the South side (bottom).

The South position has resources on his east. The North position has resources on his west. Grab your east resources as soon as possible to get money flowing. There are also turrets and oil derricks more centered on the map. Grab as many as you can. Use the buildings to garrison rocket soldiers to hold onto these.

Keep rolling along!
File Size: 147.1 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Lengo   

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'Brea' is the Spanish word for 'tar'. If you lose on this map, you can consider yourself a tar baby!

The map is essentially symmetrical. Play only from the south. There's plenty of resources, but you must guard them.
File Size: 174.6 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Lengo   

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Something different this way comes.

There's plenty of money here. You just gotta drill for it.

Each position has only one supply dock. However, there are over a dozen oil derricks to be captured. Beat your enemy to them and take his away from him. Also scoop up the small supply piles that are scattered everywhere. It is recommended that you play against a China Tank general. It is also recommended that you play as USA so you can expose where the goodies are.

The map is on the small side and the bases are not well defined. You're on your own on where to build and how to build, but the small buildings will help guide you on where to build. Garrison these with rocket soldiers, if you want my advice.

There's a fork in the road. Which fork? I'm not gonna tell you, but I will advise that you build a missile launcher there.

Oil! It smells like money. It tastes like money. Get plenty, and be sure to put some on your hair!
File Size: 176.1 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Lengo   

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Two oil depots, one for each starting position guaranty victory for the player that can hold his.

This is a skirmish map that is meant to be played against China Infantry or China Tank General on hard difficulty.

Develop rapidly by seizing the oil derricks and resource buildings near your base, protect your base, then go after your enemy.

End briefing.
File Size: 192.3 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Lengo   

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Oh boy! You're gonna like this. It plays differently than most. Due to lots of mesh polys, though, it chugs a little on my rig (an AMD Athlon64, Win XP, 4 Gb of memory, and a GeForce 8600 GS) and might chug on yours too, but I think you'll like this map despite it. It's fun!

I got a few scripts going on. Nothing really fancy, but it makes playing this fun and funny!

A few tips:

1 Don't build cargo drops near the south edge of your base (bottom). Due to the height, the cargo doesn't land where it should and even skids across the field.
2 Keep your eye on your back door. Lots of trouble will come through here when you play Hard and it's easy to overlook the door because of where it is.
3 Don't play against USA on Hard. It cheats, I tell ya! It cheats!

This is the made made in the tutorial "Advanced Map Making -- Making a height map". If you're interested in seeing the tutorial at CNC Labs, copy and paste the following URL into your web browser.

The map was a hella lotta work. The ai kept finding the end points of paths, not the entire paths, so I had to change the cliffs in various ways to make this map play correctly. It took me DAYS to landform in places so that the AI could see most of it. And I had to compromise the paths to get the AIs to follow the whole route. Nevertheless, the AIs don't always do as expected, so this version is the best I can come up with. It works, and it's fun.

I want to hear comments. You can post comments on the tutorial page. Please! I busted my butt over this!

End briefing

General Lengo
File Size: 224.9 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Lengo   

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The arctic fox is well camouflaged in snow with his white fur. Even his den is white so that he can hide his kills from his enemies and ambush them when they come sniffing around. You would be wise to be like the fox and store your most powerful infantry in the many bunkers found on the mountain, but like the fox, they are white in the snow and hard to see.

Play against a Hard opponent. I suggest you play as USA vs China Infantry. Start with Medium difficulty or open the map in Worldbuilder to find out where the goodies are.

This map will test your mettle and your patience. Getting infantry to the bunkers is a long trek, but once there, they should be very secure.

There is a bird's eye view of the entire enemy base from the top of the mountain. If you play as USA, you can use the recon tool to look into his base, the watch as you unleash your dive bombers, your particle beams, your bombers and your mother of all bombs.

File Size: 164.2 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Lengo   

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This map was developed for playing against a Moderate China Tank general, but it also does well against Hard opponents too.

The battlefield has many turrets and oil derricks on both the east and west sides. Capturing them is one thing. Keeping them is another. Then again, you don't want your enemy to have them, do you?

In the middle is a gauntlet. Be sure to capture your share of the turrets, and occupy the towers with rocket soldiers.

I think you'll find the ambiance of this small coastal town quite charming. If you do, lets meet at the small cafe' on the west road to discuss it. They have an espresso that has 645 mg of caffeine in it. If this battlefield doesn't roast you, the espresso will.
File Size: 195.4 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Lengo   

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