Featured Map Review: Tournament Desert 4Our goal for CNCLabs is to move past judging a map with a simple PASS or FAIL grade but to work through the map problems with the author so they not only understand the problem but also would know how to fix it. By sharing this information through this forum and the
Maps Staff Journal, we aim to help the community as whole produce higher-quality maps.
Getting a map setup correctly can be hard enough for a new mapper. With all the elevation tools, texture colors, trees and props, many choices have been made during a maps creation. If you add in the complication of setting up the map for skirmish with all the areas and pathways you know there has been a commitment of time and effort put into this map.
I'm sure you've heard the phrase that a building should be built on a solid foundation. This same idea applies to map making. It can be extremely frustrating to spend hours, sometimes weeks creating a map only to find out that you’ve made your map or your bases to small. This was the case with this map. In keeping with our ideal of teaching and working through the problem with the mapper, we went through the process of correcting the problem before making our recommendations.
We communicated on several occasions after sending out the initial map review and worked together on getting the final map you now see in our download section. A whole new texture theme was used and many trees were added to a resized map with all areas fixed. The name of the map was even changed to "Stuck in the middle with you". Get the map
The lesson learned by this review is to measure off your base areas before working on all the details. Start your map on a solid foundation. Any comments about the map or the review are welcome.
Edited by user Tuesday, March 3, 2009 11:34:01 AM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified