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With Kassad out of the way and retreated back to his homeland, the GLA has been reorganized by their leaders. Our US intel reported to us that the unknown GLA Supreme Commander ordered his leaders by establishing GLA cells and they're heading to Europe, all of our American Generals have set up defenses in the Europe borders to prevent the GLA from threatening the region.

The GLA has created their base to the East of your position outside of the map, and it is impenetrable, we have called on our bombers to break through their defenses, so that our forces can destroy their base and its cells. While we're waiting for our bombers, the GLA has started to invade this area, and you must hold them off. Don't let them come through and protect our UN forces until our bombers arrive, Good luck!

Date submitted: 12/14/2022
Date reviewed: 12/27/2022
File Size: 306 KB        File Type: .zip
Author: Cresty   

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General, The GLA has captured the village in this region our forces try to stop them but they're too weak.
Intel reports that the GLA has establish their main base to the north, we must remove all GLA forces in the
village to secure before we can assault their main base

Wipe out the GLA forces in the village.
Destroy the GLA main base to the north.

Date submitted: 7/25/2022
Date reviewed: 7/29/2022
File Size: 180 KB        File Type: .zip
Author: Cresty   

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General, the americans launch a full scale assault towards our main base in the area, This surprise attack leave us no time to evacuate our forces.

Some of our brothers are held capture by the americans and we must rescue them, we cannot let our information to be leaked nor our forces morale to drop. They were held capture in 3 different prisons, we must save them at all cost.

Be aware the US will strike us with full force, Show them the true might of the GLA!

Known Bugs :
- Sometimes when the prisoners objecive "orange rebel" got damaged, they won't transfer the team to the players. Just kill the damaged one to fix this issue.

Thanks to 3CG, Juhhzizz, and AdrianeYves[DeathScythe] for the feedback, i really appreciate it.

Contact me : Discord - Gramantio#6921

Date submitted: 7/24/2022
Date reviewed: 7/30/2022
File Size: 225.3 KB        File Type: .zip
Author: Gramantio   

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Generals Challenge - General 'Mohmar' Deathstrike
Tactics: GLA Generals Combined
Workers with Advanced Demo Traps and Toxin -Networks command build.
-Camouflaged Structures
-Anthrax Gamma
-Toxin Networks starts as camouflaged with the Camo-netting upgrade
-and can be upgraded with Demolitions Ability.
-Starts with Toxin Shells, Booby traps, Rebel Camouflaged and Anthrax Beta.
-Stingers site soldiers are now armed with Anthrax Beta/Gamma missiles with Demolitions Ability.
-Toxin Rebels starts as camouflaged and can be upgraded with Demolitions Ability.
-Palace with with Anthrax Gamma, Camo-netting, Quad Cannon Snipe Rounds and Demolitions Ability Upgrade.
-Scorpion Tanks, Toxin Tractors, RPG Troopers and Marauder Tanks with Toxin shells, Anthrax Beta/Gamma with Demolitions ability upgrade.
-Scud Launchers with Demo High-Explosive and Anthrax Beta/Gamma warheads.
-Bomb trucks with Demo High-Explosive and Anthrax Beta/Gamma Bombs.
-Scud Strom deals more damage(DemoGeneral), with Camo-Netting and Anthrax Beta/Gamma missiles.
-Hijackers are always cloaked when they're moving and can be armed with Demolitions Ability
-Saboteurs can be armed with Demolitions Ability
-Jarmen Kell with Time/Remote Demo charges and Demolitions Ability
-Lvl. 1 Emergency Repair is Available at Level 1
-GPS Scrambler is available at Level 3
-Rebels ambush is replace with Toxin Rebel Ambush
-Advance Demo Traps with Anthrax Gamma/Beta pool if it is upgraded with Anthrax Gamma.
-Bomb Trucks cost less.

If you want to play any different faction, change your
faction then change your CC and Dozer/Worker
based on the faction you selected or changed.

Map, GLA Boss and China Boss modification created by me.

I did not create the USA Boss General (Ironside) in the map.ini file,
credits to OAS for making this. I did improved his modification tough
such as you can deploy level 1-3 Spectre Gunhip

Date submitted: 6/17/2022
Date reviewed: 7/2/2022
File Size: 1.2 MB        File Type: .zip
Author: Cresty   

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hey hey hey
ready for more? there it is the next mission hope u enjoy it

thx to UE and Newgate for testing the map

Date submitted: 7/6/2021
Date reviewed: 7/8/2021

File Size: 327.3 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: -OAS-   

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Hi guys
I give you my challenge map.
in this map u play as General Ironside which means u can build the best of the USA .more information in the read me file
thx for the testers:
-Unknown Editor
I hope u enjoy with it.

Date submitted: 11/5/2020
Date reviewed: 11/7/2020
File Size: 425.7 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: Orcanos   

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This is the updated and 100% working version of my USSR Overtake map.

Date submitted: 10/18/2020
Date reviewed: 10/22/2020
File Size: 159.1 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: AnthraxPanda   

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Guardian Angel ( For C&C Zero Hour ) Art of Defense Winter V:1.0

! U.S. Forces in Full Retreat !



* U.S. Forces are escaping from GLA Forces .
* Ensure the escape of 500 U.S. Forces .
* Stop GLA Forces Destroying U.S. Forces .
* Destroy as many GLA as You Can .


Tips for playing :

* Build as many "Patriot Missile Systems" as You can on the top of the cliffs to Damage & Destroy GLA Forces easily .
* Also use "Fire Bases" in your Base to Kill "Rebels" Who Ambush your Base !
* Construct too many "Comanches" ; They are Nice Defenses against Enemy Ambush & Ground Units .
* To Capture Enemy "Oil Derricks" wait for Reinforcements ; It will be much Easier .
* Construct too many Snipers ("Path Finders") against Enemy Ambush .


New Features :

------------------------------------------------- GENERALS SKILLS ---------------------------------------------------

* Stealth Fighter is now able to use From Level 1 .
* Spectre Gun Ship is now able to use From Level 3 .

----------------------------------------------------- Upgrades ------------------------------------------------------

* Advanced Training is Upgraded From the Game Start .
* Composite Armor is Upgraded From the Game Start .
* TOW Missile is Upgraded From the Game Start .
* Chemical Suits can be Upgraded From the Barracks .
* Supply Lines can be Upgraded From Supply Center .

----------------------------------------------------- Defenses ------------------------------------------------------

* Fire Base is now able to Build by a Dozer .


Installation :

1. Extract "Guardian Angel" Folder .
2. Put the Folder ("Guardian Angel") into Your Maps Location ; Default Folder :
* My Documents\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data\Maps\
3. Open C&C Zero Hour Game and Look for Map in "Solo Play/Skirmish/Unofficial Maps" .
4. Enjoy The Map .


* PLZ E-mail Your Suggestions to :

-------------------------------------------------- You Are Able to --------------------------------------------------

* You are Free to Use all Techs ,
* Modify the Map for Yourself ,
* Upload the Modified Version ,
* And Anything You Want ...


! Thanks for Reading !
(@: ! Good Luck ! :@D

Map by: hamidreza121275
File Size: 250.6 KB        File Type: .zip
Author: Unknown Editor   

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Scenario: The Americans have invaded Iran and have captured the coastal city of Bushehr. The GLA only have a few buildings left in a small base and no room to build more, but they have some new secret weapons up their sleeve.
File Size: 204.8 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 1
Author: beng   

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