C&C Labs News Wire

— Wednesday, June 11, 2008 —

Posted By: Phe0n1x at 6:29:46 AM ET

Sage Advice Part 2

It seems HeXetic over at Planet CnC has released his second article in his Sage Advice series. This article focuses on one, if not the largest, problem with the sage engine. Psychovisuals.

Psychovisual. It means the perception of sight. If that doesn't seem to make too much sense, it's okay. It's a modern hackjob of ancient Greek. You may be more familiar with its audio counterpart, Psychoacoustics, which is the study of how our brain interprets sounds.

He focuses on the "clipping" made by units in every sage engine based game ever made, from Command and Conquer: Renegade all the way to Kane's Wrath. He also notes that these visual flaws impact the quality of the game making it less believable. For example, you wouldn't see a jeep partially inside of a tank in real life.

When I see some of the graphical flaws in C&C3 during a match, it really pulls me out of the reality of the game and reminds me that I'm just playing a game -- that I'm not actually immersed in a rich fictional world. This article is about the flaws I think contribute most to that unfortunate, and undesirable, reality check.

HeXetic also mentions that  he will be presenting his articles to the Red Alert 3 Development Team later this week.
