C&C Labs News Wire

— Sunday, March 4, 2007 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 7:25:53 AM ET

C&C FPS Possibly In Development

According to a MediaFeet report, there have been high-level discussions at EA about working on another C&C FPS, this time with the Crysis engine, which EA is eager to use:
In a recent internal meeting at EALA on February 23rd, 2007, it was announced to the project team leaders of all EALA projects that the Crysis engine would be moving in-house in the very near future. Speculation began to arise internally about a Command and Conquer Renegade sequel seeing that the EALA studio is primarily known for RTS titles and Crysis is a next generation FPS engine. After discussing this with an EALA employee who wishes to not be named, it was stated that there is an extremely high chance that Electronic Arts’ LA studio will be developing a new FPS Command and Conquer title for the PC. It is not known if the title will be a true sequel to Renegade or a new stand alone IP however EA is very serious about exploring the options of the Crysis engine with current IPs.
This fits very well with what we know. At one point, a sequel to Renegade was begun, though it was abanadoned after a time. However, it makes sense for EA to work on a C&C FPS; EA has been eager to bring C&C into the mainstream, as evinced by their attempts first with Generals and now their branding of C&C 3 as a mainstream competitive RTS. After seeking a lot of time and money into the Crysis engine, it is very logical for EA to consider working on a C&C FPS, since it is one of their most valuable pieces of intellectual property, and one they are trying to continue to develop. 
