C&C Labs News Wire

— Monday, September 11, 2006 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 1:22:42 PM ET

Halogen Clarification

Yesterday we reported that the Halogen mod had been shut down, and I speculated that this was a signal Microsoft was working on a Halo RTS. That was speculation--based on evidence, but speculation--on my part and shouldn't be taken as anything else. However, for those thinking along these lines, there's a post at Slashdot by a Halogen team member, Adam Saltsman, regarding the shutdown.
Its not like no one knew about this mod; we were slashdotted a year ago, were on the front page of RvB, Bungie definitely had their eye on us, we got mentioned in a couple print mags...we were not shut down because we got "too big" or "just got noticed". I think I know why MS Games canned us, just need to wait a couple of weeks to make sure, so I'm not really comfortable writing about it yet. But I'm 95% sure it had nothing to do with "spontaneous noticement"
Well, this is mostly unrelated to C&C, but it's a good follow up to yesterday's post, and perhaps a sign of new competition for EA in the RTS space.
