C&C Labs News Wire

— Saturday, October 1, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 6:20:52 PM ET

...And More Modding News

I've said it before, and I will say it again: Mods are an important part of the CNC community, and they can sustain the community for some time, but they cannot be the only component. With every day that passes, I think the community tends to ask itself again, when, or if, an announcement will come. To be honest, I don't think that save for the release of the earlier C&Cs, there is anything that can boost the community with one action as much as official word on C&C3 or RA3 would. Until then, or until I give up entirely, you can expect to see fairly regular news updates here at GW...
  • Vietnam Reborn has a new render and several screenshots. The render is of the Boat Yard, and the screens showcase their napalm effect.
  • CNCRenEclips has three new renders for their upcoming C&C Shockwave mod. In addition, they also have a video of the new GLA superweapon, the Soyuz Missile (yes, Soyuz is also a type of Russian spacecraft for those who think you've heard the name before).
  • Red Alert 2: Road to Moscow has released two new renders. One is of the Allied Barracks and the other is of the Soviet Tesla Coil. Both are unskinned, underscoring their need for a new skinner.
  • PlanetCNC has a new edition of 'Photoshop THIS!'.
  • CNCDEN has 11 new ZH replays.
  • One day left to enter CNCWorld's Caption Contest.
