C&C Labs News Wire

— Tuesday, April 19, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 4:01:30 AM ET

OMC Begins!

The Open Map Competition is beginning!
Open Map Competition Organization is pleased to announce the opening of the Open Map Competition today. The OMC is a world-wide mapping contest for Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2, and Generals and is being organized by prominent C&C sites. The OMC will serve to foster new mapping talent and to recognize and reward the community's best mappers.

The Open Map Competition judges will be accepting maps for 3 games: Tiberian Sun with Firestorm, Red Alert 2 with Yuri's Revenge, and Generals with Zero Hour. We will also be accepting Yuri's Revenge maps that use the Terrain Expansion 3rd-party graphical enhancement package. The OMC will run for three months, with a maximum of one entry per mapper per game.

Top maps in each game category will be published and publicized across the community and will be in the running to earn prizes including software. Note that the prizes list has not been finalized at the time. Each category will have at least 5 judges selected from amongst the C&C fansite and mapping community. Judging will be blind, with judges being unaware of the author of a particular map.

We invite everyone to visit the Open Map Competition section at CnCCommunity.net to read the complete list of rules and obtain information about prizes. Also available are winning maps from previous Open Map Competitions as well as tutorial information for new mappers.

The Open Map Competition - a perfect opportunity for everyone to improve their maping skills, to show off our community's talent, and to crown the best C&C mappers of the year!

To your map editors, gentle C&C fans! May the best mapper win!
- The Open Map Competition Organization
Interested? Head here for more!

And other community news:
  • CNC DEN has a new ZH map, and two new Generals ones.
  • Halogen has released a teaser video that comes in many different codecs and sizes for you.
