C&C Labs News Wire

— Thursday, March 17, 2005 —

Posted By: Blbpaws at 5:44:58 PM ET

St. Patrick's Day News

Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone out there! Here's the news from the day:
  • Global Warfare was released today. It adds Canada to ZH, and it works with 1.03.
  • CNC RenEclips has released their mod, C&C Shockwave, with over 300 new sounds, as well as many other improvements. Head here for the download.
  • PlanetCNC has a new poll, the results of their last one, and a rather hilarious video of an army of technicians attempting to defeat a Flame Tank.
Last edited by Blbpaws on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 10:45:41 PM.
