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Offense defense type more explained in read me file
File Size: 261.3 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: zakthesandwarrior   

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Technology Theft, huh? It has been soon out 1 year and it is still pretty known and popular! If you don't
know about that map and you have been in ra3 more then year, who the heck are you?

The story of Technology Theft is simple. It is peaceful night at a large base. Unfortunately, a twist of
events is about to unfold. The base got news that their commando is arriving. When the commando is inside
the base, the truth is was actually an enemy spy who bribed the army, and took control of
the base! Next thing you know, 2 players control the whole base with a facility (which contains extremely
powerful technology). The mission of controlling the base is not too difficult, but controlling the facility
is another story. The players need thirty minutes to hack into the facilities information bank and send the
data to their allies. This means that the 2 players need to protect this oversized facility for 30 minutes.
If they can, they are successful. HOWEVER, at the same time, all 4 players who owned that stolen base have
an MCV outside of the facility, and they are gunning to recapture what they lost! If they take the base back
over, and hack into the intelligence, they will win!

Well, if you think that this is it, then you are wrong! It countains Coop against computer aswell. Team up
with your friend and protect facility from computer as long as possible. So far strongest settings (and best settings)

PS: Strongest combinations are:
ground (where bridges lead) - both japanese
Air (where bridge doesnt lead - Allied
Water (where is defender water build area) - doesn't madder...

And in this newest version 1.5, visual is now much more beatiful and greater thanks to SPIDER_PIG_ROCKS!

Host and wait, because it will be full pretty quickly, and we'll meet you on the battle field!
File Size: 523.3 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 6
Author: Elven   

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What you need to know: Retarded Defense is an elaborate game type that fusses concepts from Tower Defense, Art of Defense, and Left 4 Dead. With this map introduces a whole new concept, the AI Director. Whoever decides to select the player starting location off the map will be given this role. The AI Director is the player who commands all the AI that spawn onto the map. What the AI Director is asked to do: 1. Destroy all Non-Director Players or have a unit complete the path. What Non-Director Players are asked do: 1. Stop enemy units from completing the path. 2. Survive enemy attack waves controlled by the AI Director 3. Be able to work with hostile teammates. What the AI Director should know: 1. All units will automatically move along the path, unless told otherwise by the AI Director. Only units that aren't disturbed by the AI Director complete the path. 2. AI Director has no MCV and no way to create units. 3. The size of each wave given to the AI Director by the map are decided by coded dice roll. 4. Any Shogun Executioners that are given to the AI Director will only be command-able after four minutes on the map. 5. The AI Director can use player special abilities, such as the Chrono Swap and Balloon Bombs. 6. Some units the AI Director owns cannot be moved by the AI Director. What Non-Director Players should know: 1. Players start with $69,000. 2. Players have Two MCVs. 3. Players are given $2000 every 12 seconds by the map. 4. At the start of the game players are given some time to prep for the incoming waves. 5. Players don't have to kill another player in order to win. What hosts of Retarded Defense games should know: 1. There is no need to set teams. 2. There is no need to change start cash. 3. It is fun to make sure everyone doesn't pick a starting location in order to get a random AI Director. 4. Players can be substituted by Computer Opponents, including the AI Director.
File Size: 1.2 MB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: TheGunrun   

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