I've always thought the Open Map Competition was a great example of community spirit and community initiative that benefited all involved. I'm very happy to see that the fourth Open Map Competition is now getting underway for C&C3. From the main page:
Open Map Competition 4 (OMC4) is a C&C community world wide mapping contest for all fans of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. Mappers can submit as many entries as they wish until the last minute of August 20th, 2007 on Greenwich Time Zone. It's a nice oportunity to get your mapping skills recognized by the C&C community. Older editions revealed very talented maps and brought almost 70 maps for previous Command & Conquer games, including 5 spotlighted (score over 75%) Tiberian Sun maps, 6 spotlighted Red Alert 2 maps and 3 spotlighted Generals maps. If you have any questions concerning the OMC4 contest, please email Banshee at banshee@ppmsite.com
OMC 4 is emphasizing creative maps--that means no symmetry! For more on the rules, head
here. For more on the competition in general, head
here. They're are also some excellent
prizes to be had, for those of you who might need some motivation.