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A smaller size version of the original Twilight Flame map but with lot's of balanced features.
This is one of the map that i put a lot of effort to perfect as symmetrically as possible.

One reason for this map to be created is for low end pc. In some pc, playing the original twilight flame map causes lag , but this map don't and may become an alternative map.
Hope you Enjoy!

Map originally created for my mod :

Date submitted: 3/5/2021
Date reviewed: 3/17/2021
File Size: 115.6 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 8
Author: KhianVictory   

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Originally Designed for 3 vs 5 Battle,
With a lot of resources there is a higher chance
of winning! and SUPERWEAPONS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BUILD! (Included in the Map.ini file)

Anyway, map is designed for my mod :

Date submitted: 12/21/2020
Date reviewed: 01/01/2020
File Size: 149.4 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 8
Author: KhianVictory   

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Map originally for my mod and still an unofficial map anyway,

2 vs 3 vs 3 Battle
And if you and your friend is in the middle,
it would be a difficult fight against brutal armies

Download the Boss AI Mod HERE :

Date submitted: 12/21/2020
Date reviewed: 01/03/2021
File Size: 142.3 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 8
Author: KhianVictory   

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EA has created many maps for Generals, but did not include all of them in the game. This happens to be one of them. I have edited this map so that the players are now able to play it! Enjoy.

Made by EA
Edited by AdrianeMapMaker

File Size: 220.4 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: adrianemapmaker   

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You Thought The War was Over..... You Thought Wrong!

The Factions are ready for an attack and have placed their bases in this brutally and frigid polar landscape. The only warmth is in this minor village. Can you defeat your opponents on this barren wasteland? Or will you be chilled..... to the BONE!

-Enjoy- Original Concept By Adriane

File Size: 125 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: adrianemapmaker   

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HighHills Mountain-a map consist 3 hills each have oil derricks
like the mountain assault it has
warehouse in the middle
File Size: 95.9 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 3
Author: adrianemapmaker   

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Mogadishu-map a map inspired by mission of china and some maps in cnc labs-done aprox 4 hours- it has oil derricks in the map and some supplies -enjoy-
File Size: 92.3 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: adrianemapmaker   

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mountain assault- its is a village near in construction site -it has
1 oil derrick per player and in the middle it has an oil refinery with warehouses
find them enjoy it(its is my first none mistake to submit i hope u will enjoy it)
File Size: 82.1 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: adrianemapmaker   

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A recent widow looks down upon the tombstone of her significant other. Her mind racing with thoughts and memories, but one constantly reared it's head and grabbed her attention. It was a thought that she should have acted sooner, that she was too late. She remembers pleading over the phone for her husband to come back, even though he could not return to her even if he wanted to, he was already boarding the Chinook helicopter to go to war. If she had said earlier, with more emotion and dread, but instead she took his word that everything would be okay and that he would be home before spring comes. She curses at the 'war of liberation', what a stupid war, and for what purpose. Why did they have to invade, why did they have to take her beloved.

As she stands, thinking about many things but not moving or even crying, she fails to acknowledge the sounds of the tanks charging towards her.


Grave Mountain is a 2 player, 1 vs 1 style map. The North and South player areas are separated by the grave mountain, with multiple different paths to take to your enemie's base. The mountain is setup so to encourage the players to take as much of the map's territory as possible to capture the oil derrick at the summit, and occupy the bunkers near the entrance of each of the bases.

Do not take for granted the mountainous terrain, the supplies scattered around the map, and the 3 oil derricks situated in a line at the center. reaping these rewards can be the keys to absolute victory.

Strike hard General, and without mercy.
File Size: 150.9 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 2
Author: SUPER-G   

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Snowy map with an ancient Chinese castle in the middle. There are many partially destroyed garrison-able castle walls throughout the map and the AI are fairly balanced and strong in brutal mode.
File Size: 94.2 KB        File Type: .zip
Max Players: 4
Author: ethereal   

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