C&C Labs News Wire

— Saturday, July 11, 2009 —

Posted By: Mike at 4:30:06 PM ET

The Forgotten Mod Interviewed at CNCDEN

Blbpaws, mod team leader of our in-house C&C 3 Tiberium Wars mod The Forgotten, has been interviewed by Lion at CNCDEN. The interview includes some newly released in-game screenshots and concept art for the mod. Here's a taste of the interview:

Lion: Are there any special features that your mod will have that will make it stand out against other mods in the C&C community?

Blbpaws: In addition to the unique faction and story, we've introduced a lot of new gameplay mechanics that we think people will enjoy. There are quite a few of these, but I'll give three examples here. First, Tiberium Fiends are back, but as part of a neat unit, the Beastmaster. Essentially, even though Tiberium life rages wildly, certain members of The Forgotten have a special connection to them. These wise community members, known as Beastmasters, have spent years working with Tiberium life. When the time comes to fight on the battlefield, they'll guide their Fiends into battle with you. Should they get killed on the battlefield, though, their Fiends will no longer obey your orders.

And here's an interesting bit about the mod's story:

C&C 3: The Forgotten Concept Art - Berlin Ruined Our biggest innovation comes in the story. I'm not quite ready to talk about the details of it too much yet (we'll show you a lot throughout the summer), but I think we're pushing the envelope of what mods can do, and pushing it a lot farther than any other mod has pushed it. We have spent hours and hours on the story--we have seven people who primarily handle bringing the missions and plot to life, plus my contributions--and I'm confident that it will be something very special in the end. In fact, here’s something that maybe will give you a hint of where we’re going, mood-wise. It’s a piece of promo art created by Kane Nash, and it shows the scene of a key battleground in the mod’s story. Of course, I can't tell you or show you the details or even how we use this art, but when we do, you'll see what I mean when I say we're pushing the boundaries.

I enourage you to read the interview in its entirety at CNCDEN. Also, be sure to check The Forgotten mod's website for screenshots, videos, and details about the mod.


Last edited by Mike on Saturday, July 11, 2009 at 8:31:23 PM.
